Articles | Volume 9, issue 2
Research article
26 Sep 2016
Research article |  | 26 Sep 2016

Application of machine learning for real-time evaluation of salinity (or TDS) in drinking water using photonic sensors

Sandip Kumar Roy and Preeta Sharan

Data sets

Densities and Refractive Indices of Potassium Salt Solutions in Binary Mixture of Different Compositions S. D. Deosarkar, V. V. Pandhare, and P. S. Kattekar

Design of optical sensor for detection of brininess of water J. Lavanya, S. K. Roy, and P. Sharan

Mapping of aqua constituents using photonic crystal P. Sharan, P. Deshmukh, and S. K. Roy

Short summary
About 20 % of the world population lives in areas without sufficient portable water; 97 % of the water on the earth is seawater. Understanding the level of salinity/TDS of seawater is a necessity. Currently, determination of salt content is by chemical analysis and is time-consuming. Our research is to develop a lab on chip optical sensor to measure the percentage of salinity in water. Even a small % of salinity change in water can be detected in real time by the sensor continuously with accuracy.