Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Research article
14 Mar 2019
Research article |  | 14 Mar 2019

Analysis of water distribution network under pressure-deficient conditions through emitter setting

Suribabu Conety Ravi, Neelakantan Thurvas Renganathan, Sivakumar Perumal, and Diego Paez

Data sets

Two-Objective Design of Benchmark Problems of a Water Distribution System via MOEAs: Towards the Best-Known Approximation of the True Pareto Front ( Q. Wang, M. Guidolin, D. Savic, and Z. Kapelan

Short summary
This paper presents a simple methodology for assessing the supplying capacity of demand nodes under pressure-deficient conditions by assigning the respective emitter coefficient only to those nodes facing the pressure-deficit condition. Though the proposed approach follows an iterative methodology using EPANET software, the computational burden of adding artificial elements to the other methods is avoided and is hence useful for analyzing large networks.