Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Research article
12 Feb 2021
Research article |  | 12 Feb 2021

Solar distillation of impure water from four different water sources under the southwestern Nigerian climate

Saheed A. Adio, Emmanuel A. Osowade, Adam O. Muritala, Adebayo A. Fadairo, Kamar T. Oladepo, Surajudeen O. Obayopo, and Paul O. Fase


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Short summary
Providing drinkable potable water from saline or heavily polluted water using renewable energy is further explored. Solar desalination is an eco-friendly, accessible and affordable technology. We show that there is a direct relationship between and huge dependency on solar still daily distillate yield in the solar radiation intensity and the temperature difference between the condensing inner glass cover and the water. Hence, we hope to have drinkable water for all using solar power technology.