Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Research article
11 Feb 2021
Research article |  | 11 Feb 2021

Evaluation of changes in some physico-chemical properties of bottled water exposed to sunlight in Bauchi State, Nigeria

Rose E. Daffi and Fwangmun B. Wamyil

Data sets

Data recorded/collated for Evaluation of changes in some physico-chemical properties of bottled water exposed to sunlight in Bauchi State, Nigeria F. Wamyil and R. Daffi

Model code and software

R/RStudio Software code for Evaluation of changes in some physico-chemical properties of bottled water exposed to sunlight in Bauchi State, Nigeria F. Wamyil

Short summary
We investigated the effect of long exposure to sunlight (as practised by retailers and peddlers in Bauchi State, Nigeria) of commercial plastic-bottled drinking water. The levels of physical/chemical parameters were measured for five brands, and it was found that levels of pH, antimony, nitrates, and bisphenol A changed significantly as exposure time increased, thus highlighting the importance of proper monitoring of storage and retailing of plastic bottle products to safeguard consumer health.