Articles | Volume 10, issue 1
Review article
26 Apr 2017
Review article |  | 26 Apr 2017

Review of applications for SIMDEUM, a stochastic drinking water demand model with a small temporal and spatial scale

Mirjam Blokker, Claudia Agudelo-Vera, Andreas Moerman, Peter van Thienen, and Ilse Pieterse-Quirijns


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Short summary
SIMDEUM, a tool to predict and explain drinking water demand over the day for a single household, has many applications from designing a water network to hydraulic and water quality modelling in the drinking water network. We give an overview of the applications and the relation between the type of application and the required model detail. The design requires a temporal scale of 1 s and a spatial scale of 20 homes or more; water quality modelling requires 5 min and a single home.