04 Jan 2019
 | 04 Jan 2019
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Bio-purification of drinking water by froth flotation

Ghanim Hassan and Robert Edyvean

Abstract. The main technique for removing bacteria from water for various applications is chemical disinfection. However, this method has many disadvantages such as producing disinfectant by-products (DBPs), biofilm formation and either rendering the water unpotable (at high residual disinfection) or leaving a potential for lethal diseases such as Cholera (if the residual disinfection is too low). Recently, a process was developed for continuous removal of bacteria from water using the principle of froth flotation through compressed air only without any chemicals (Hassan, 2015). This work examines the extent to which chemical free froth flotation can purify drinking water. The experiments were carried out using two flotation columns with different column lengths, each equipped with ceramic air sparger. Raw water containing bacteria was fed into the column from the top. Air was pumped through the water enough to produce a froth which separated the bacteria and, when removed, the bacterial content measured. The results show that the bacterial concentration can be reduced by 55% of its original concentration under the optimal experimental conditions so far found. This suggests that the technique can be used as a pre-purification step to minimize the use of disinfectants; hence their byproducts, and to control biofilm growth.

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Ghanim Hassan and Robert Edyvean

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Interactive discussion

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Ghanim Hassan and Robert Edyvean
Ghanim Hassan and Robert Edyvean


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Short summary
Froth is produced without chemicals. this froth was proven to hold bacteria to be withdrawn continuously in order to purify drinking water from bacteria. The question now is that how far can this process go to produce high-quality drinking water from the bacterial sense. This work examines that. it was concluded that nearly half of the bacterial content can be removed in such a process.