04 Jul 2018
 | 04 Jul 2018
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Design of 24X7 water supply systems – A Case study: Ahmedabad city

Swarup Varu and Dipsha Shah

Abstract. Water found one of the important physical environments of human and has a direct behavior on the health and hygiene of mankind. There is no denying the fact that the contamination of water leads to numerous health hazards. The facility of safe and adequate drinking water to the growing urban population continues to be one of the major challenging tasks for any state. In India, according to the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD); continuous potable water supply to every households are directly related with the Service Level Benchmark (SLB) of the city.

This study is applied research and it designs and builds a detail project report for 24x7 water supply system at Sabarmati and old Wadaj ward of Ahmedabad city. It includes feasibility study; software based hydraulic design, operation and maintenance strategy and economic feasibility for the project by studies of research paper, case study, census data, need and demand of the future. The present water supply practice is non-confirming to designed hydraulic parameters, and also the system is severely affected insufficient hydraulics, leading to many of the current critical issues which keep the Local Authorities in an evitable brutal circle. Using data from the local government body, the papers presents the condition of intermittent water supply network and compare it with continuous water supply system of selected District Metering Area (DMA) of Ahmedabad in Gujarat (India).

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Swarup Varu and Dipsha Shah

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Interactive discussion

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Swarup Varu and Dipsha Shah
Swarup Varu and Dipsha Shah


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Short summary
Potable drinking water is one of he major key factor to survive for every human being, our 80 % daily activity is connected with water and still we can get water only in limited hours, due to this sufferer, it was much advisable, easy, feasible and economic to have 24x7 water supply with adequate pressure, quality and quantity. Hence here I have done case study with detail research and feasibility of existing area of city to create new smart city.