03 Jan 2018
 | 03 Jan 2018
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal DWES but the revision was not accepted.

Application of advanced composite modified perlite for degradation of particle size and turbidity in treatment of sewage water

Ali Reza Taheri Fard

Abstract. Water treatment efficiency of several filter media such as perlite, modified (silicated) perlite, zeolite, and sand were studied on sewage water. It was shown that modified perlite removed more than 90 % of turbidity and it functioned more efficient than other materials in case of high turbidity (more than 100 NTU). Filtration through modified perlite significantly decreased the concentration of total nitrogen (from 4 to 1 mg/L), chemical oxygen demand (from 274 to 0.42 MgO/L), concentration and size of particles (from 3870 nm to 56 nm). Filtering device was created with 2 steps syphon, due to having sedimentation part in the bottom part of next part and having two times upward direction in filtration undoubtedly operates better than monolayer filter with mere perlite. The total cost of filtration unit containing whole part of filtration device and advanced composite modified perlite materials as well as evaluates reducing the cost up 12 % compared to ceramic filter.

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Ali Reza Taheri Fard
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Ali Reza Taheri Fard
Ali Reza Taheri Fard


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