Copernicus Publications and the Executive Editors of DWES thank the following colleagues very much for their work in reviewing the manuscripts published in the journal volume 11, 2018.
- Muhammad Arsyad
- Ehsan Babanezhad
- Yan'an Cai
- Kwok-Wing Chau
- Jinduan Chen
- Mahender Choudhary
- Jochen Deuerlein
- Marco Franchini
- Ashok Ghosh
- Rajesh Gupta
- Nikhil Hooda
- Joseph Kasprzyk
- F. Javier Martinez-Solano
- Antonio Manuel Moreno Ródenas
- Stephen Mounce
- Jani Tomperi
- Doris van Halem
- Feifei Wang
- Hyoungmin Woo